
Heraā€™s vision is to promote and highlight women and their incredible strength, tenacity and creativity.

While we support the continuous effort to the development for legal, political and conceptual basis for gender equality, we focus on the active creation of concrete, tangible and very substantial opportunities enabling women to feel complete and live their lives with self fulfilment.



Hera City will be a large sustainable, environmental-friendly city where women, men and families from all places will be gathered.

Its is important to note the great economical, cultural and social development it will bring for the region in which it will be built; it will strongly enhance its market value.

This cosmopolitan and multicultural space shall be designed to be women-friendly, but a domain in which both women and men will feel at home.Ā Families are more than welcome and there will be sufficient space to accommodate everyone. Hera City shall offer those who visit it a stay full of charm and detail.

The City shall grow as required, from the germination of an idea, from which a meeting point, of conversation, of revelation, or diving into the feminine universe being actualized through debates, lectures, classes, exhibitions, concerts, and so on.



To Learn More Visit Hera Website