Coffee with Entrepreneurs – Graeme Crosskill & Laleh Hancock

Mar 23, 2017

Coffee with Entrepreneurs

– Replay –

Coffee with Entrepreneurs is a free to air radio show where Graeme Crosskill interviews global entrepreneur, Laleh A. Hancock, about all things entrepreneur.

Whether you are a seasoned entrepreneur, or desire to start, this show is for you.

Another insightful and daring looking into the world and possibilities of Entrepreneurship.

Watch the replay of the interview HERE

Meet the Facilitators

Graeme Crosskill is a curious wonderer. He wonders about people & how they function in this world. He wonders about business and how it can contribute towards more ease, joy & possibility. Graeme is a natural entrepreneur, he gets a kick out of creating new & successful businesses, and as an Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator, he facilitates clients into creating more for their own lives & businesses. When he’s not creating or facilitating, you will find him zipping around his seaside town on his Vespa, meeting interesting people, playing a game of ping pong, or travelling the world searching for more.

Laleh Alemzadeh-Hancock is a management consultant, a Certified Facilitator of Access Consciousness, Joy of Business, Right Voice for You and Being You, and the founder and CEO of professional services company, Belapemo and Global Wellness For All. From the moment soldiers armed with guns stormed Laleh Alemzadeh-Hancock’s family home at age 7, she learnt that no challenge is insurmountable. Over the years she’s built several businesses and coached many more, honing her supernatural abilities to see beyond the struggles of a person to the possibilities that lie humming within. Now, with nearly 30 years’ experience in operational excellence, change management and business consulting, Laleh has inspired and empowered thousands of individuals including Fortune 500 executives, government agencies, not-for–profit organizations, athletes and veterans. A lifelong entrepreneur and passionate change-agent, Laleh strives to seek out possibility in every problem and aims to facilitate strategic change and optimal growth for all her clients. She is an advocate and empowering agent for the people of all ages, with special needs or disabilities, and their caregivers, and served on the Governor of Maryland’s Caregivers Support Coordinating Council for four years.

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