Confidence, Gratitude, and Innovation with Laleh Hancock

Aug 06, 2019

Turn your problems into possibilities with gratitude.

Confidence. Some people seem to have infinite amounts of it, never doubting themselves as they speak up, take risks, and pursue innovation. Yet, others seem to struggle with self-doubt and fear in even the smallest things that they do. Laleh Hancock is an expert on the topic and joins me to shed some light on this fascinating subject and how it influences innovation.

Laleh Hancock is the Founder and CEO of Belapemo and has dedicated her career and personal life to inspiring and empowering individuals and organizations who want to exponentially grow their lives and businesses. She has over 25 years of experience building successful consulting firms, service organizations, and product companies, and has been recently featured in the new book Leaders & Legends,alongside Steve Jobs, Suzy Orman, and many others.

One of the things Laleh is known for is helping people increase their confidence and that’s one of the factors of innovation — having the confidence to pursue something different. We dive into why we tend to second guess ourselves and gravitate towards trauma-and-drama, how to identify those doubts that are really holding us back, and why confidence is such a key factor in innovation. We also discuss how gratitude helps stop us from judgment and why it is so important to innovators in discovering new possibilities. Laleh also reveals her secret to the subtle art of not caring what other people think — how does she do it? Take their opinion as an “interesting point of view”!

If you are ready to:

  • get buy-in from key decision makers on your next big idea
  • be a high-impact, high-value member that ignites change
  • foster a culture of innovation where everyone on your team is bringing innovative ideas that tackle challenges and seize opportunities…

Listen now to this episode on Inside LaunchStreet.

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