The Path To The Greater You
May 27, 2020
Today’s episode is with Laleh Hancock. Laleh is an inspirational speaker, writer, leadership and entrepreneurial coach, professional services consultant, personal wellness mentor, and founder and CEO of global professional services company, Belapemo. and the Wellness Organization, Global Wellness For All.
Laleh boasts 30 years’ experience in operational excellence, change management and business consulting, and has inspired and empowered thousands of individuals including Fortune 500 executives, government agencies, non-profit organizations, athletes and veterans.
A highly respected executive and leadership coach and consultant, Laleh has a particular interest in supporting and encouraging the leadership capabilities of women – in business, in the workplace, at home and in the wider community.
She is featured alongside luminaries such as Oprah Winfrey, Melinda Gates, and Ginni Rometty in the 2019 publication, America’s Leading Ladies: Stories of courage, challenge and triumph.Resources Mentioned In The Episode
Finding Joy in Uncertain Times – Gift Call with Tayo Rockson & Laleh Hancock HERE
Click here to listen to full podcast.
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